
Puppy hiccups are cute, but should you be worried? Suppose you are a new puppy parent or are curious about your puppy’s overall health. In that case, you may have wondered why your puppy has hiccups and what this could mean for your puppy’s health.

Aside from the pre-modern medical belief that hiccups meant an increase in the process, we wanted to know the real reason puppy hiccups for themselves!

What causes puppy hiccups?

So what could be irritating your puppy’s diaphragm? Your puppy’s excitement can only cause these uncontrollable contractions. Maybe he ate his food too early. Or consumed water too fast.

Puppies are hilarious little creatures, and it’s hard for them to control their enthusiasm. Or your pup may have gas, and hiccups are the result. Puppies of all ages can get hiccups, from small newborns to galloping 4-month-olds. Dogs of all ages can get hiccups.

Why do puppies have hiccups?

Another theory about puppy hiccups is that they are a way to relieve any discomfort or get rid of gas in your puppy’s stomach.

It is also likely that puppies hiccups more often than larger dogs. Because they get very excited during mealtime. And too much food spoils very quickly. In addition, puppies are prone to bursts of excitement or excitement, affecting their breathing.

Is it about hiccups or reverse sneezing?

What does it mean when a dog sneezes

The cause of puppy hiccups is similar to that of sneezing. Shelby Loose, DVM of PetMD, explains reverse sneezing occurs when a puppy’s soft palate is irritated. It can happen to any breed of puppy.

“The dog will then attempt to forcefully breathe through its nose, causing it to sneeze backward.”

With hiccups, the diaphragm contracts, but with reverse sneezing, your puppy’s soft palate is affected by the irritation. Reverse sneezing at first seems alarming to puppy owners but only lasts for 30 seconds or less.

How to get rid of puppy hiccups

So can you help your puppy get rid of hiccups? Can you stop the hiccups? We can’t know for sure, but these things may be helpful for your hiccuping pup!

ZippiVet co-founder Dr. Audrey J. Wistrach tells PetMD that adding a small spoonful of maple syrup or honey to their water can help. Such home remedies aim to protect puppies from water sweeteners, which will hopefully return their breathing patterns to normal.

Other ways to get rid of puppy hiccups include:

  • Take calmer breaths by helping your puppy lie on his back and rub his belly.
  • Give them drinking water and make sure they are drinking slowly.
  • Slow down at dinner time! Eating slowly can help prevent hiccups and bloating.

Our slow bowls come in different design patterns, colors, and sizes to help your pup slow down eating at mealtimes, prevent bloating, and improve digestion! Eating slower = better pet health.

Can You Stop Your Puppy’s Hiccups?

It is difficult to find a cure for hiccups, just like humans. There is a wide range of home remedies to get rid of hiccups in humans. (hold your breath, breathe in a paper bag, or gargle), but none of these remedies have been scientifically proven to work in humans.

Dogs have little to do (imagine you’re trying to teach a dog to pee!) Eventually, your pup’s hiccups will go away on their own.

Do Hiccups Hurt Your Puppy?

Although hiccups may bother the person/pet who has it, they do not hurt. They are more surprising than painful. Keep in mind that nothing wrong happens inside your puppy when he hiccups.

My Puppy Has Hiccups: How Can I Help?

There are some things I can do that may bring some relief.

Tummy Rub – Laying your pooch on their back and giving them a good tummy rub can help relieve them from hiccups, and their breathing return to normal.

Water  Like humans, drinking water can also help. Make sure your puppies have access to freshwater but keep an eye on them, so they don’t drink too much or too fast.

Soft food – If your puppy has aggressive hiccups, avoid feeding him tricky treats or food until the hiccups are gone so as not to risk choking. Instead, have a light snack until the hiccups go away.

Light exercise – Light walks can help change your puppy’s breathing and make hiccups disappear.

Distraction – Adding sweeteners to their water can be a pleasant distraction that can potentially help ease your pup’s breath. Adding something like a small amount of honey to their water can help with the added benefit of soothing your puppy’s throat. Be careful to check the ingredients label for xylitol, a common sugar substitute that is highly harmful to puppies.

While puppy hiccups, especially in puppies, seem like a whole-body spasms, your dog is probably less bothered than you. Hiccups do not hurt your puppy and are entirely normal.

When are hiccups a concern?

Hiccups can be a concern for new puppy owners, especially if they adopt their first puppy.

Nothing to worry about, says Karen Marlsberger Martin, director of the Franklin County Humane Society in Eastpoint, Florida. “Hiccupes are common,” she says. “Puppies get hiccups, often because of eating or drinking too quickly.” New puppy owners are incredibly cautious in watching their pet’s health.

Martin suggests that whenever a new puppy owner feels concerned about their puppy’s reaction (even something as simple as a hiccup), they reach out to their vet with questions. Needed.

Final Thoughts on Puppy Hiccups

There is no way to cure hiccups in dogs as humans, but there are ways to provide relief. Suppose your dog experiences frequent hiccups due to eating or drinking too quickly. In that case, there are some things you can do to slow down the timing of the meal, thereby preventing the puppy hiccups.

Slow feeders, puzzle toys, and snooze mats can deliver food at a slow pace while stimulating and engaging your puppy’s instincts to try and work for his food.

If you are concerned about your dog’s health, it is always better to contact your vet for advice.

Emma scott

By Emma scott

The Care4Dog website aims to simplify the search for quality pet care and animal hospital emergency medical services in the United States as well as other countries. The Care4Dog website was founded by dog ​​lover Emma Scott, who has always wanted to provide the highest standard of care for pet dogs.

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