What to Expect Before Pet Euthanasia | Low-Cost In-home Euthanasia

Pet euthanasia is an alternative to the natural death of a victim animal by drug or injection therapy. Every pet lover wants to have a friend who will live forever. But since death is an essential part of life for all of us living beings.

Let their bedtime be a peaceful moment after a long, happy life. Unfortunately, this is not a reality for every pet dog parent. The hardest part is when you should choose pet euthanasia, and how to know when it’s the right time.

However, there is no easy answer to these difficult choices. But our article can help you understand what’s involved, what options you have, and weigh any factors as you consider what’s best for your pet.

What is pet euthanasia?

Pet euthanasia is the medical system of ending a pet’s life with medication. It is considered an alternative to natural death. Pet euthanasia is a fast and painless therapy.

According to Danny McVetti, CEO and founder of Lap of Love Veterinary Hospice, which provides home veterinary euthanasia, “the purpose of pet euthanasia is to prevent a pet’s suffering from getting worse.”

How is a pet euthanized?

Pet euthanasia for dogs and cats usually involves intravenous injection of pharmaceutical agents, which will quickly stop their hearts. In most cases, this therapeutic solution is composed primarily of pentobarbital, although some pet euthanasia solutions include phenytoin. The most effective way to administer the solution is through a pet’s vein.

Your vet may prefer to place an intravenous catheter in your companion dog. This will make the injection process to the vein quick and painless for your dog. It can also help reduce the potential for complications for facilities.

Your vet gives your dog a sedative before administering the actual pet euthanasia. This will allow your pet to sleep extremely comfortably and painlessly before the next step.

In the next step, the euthanasia solution is injected into your pet’s vein, where it is rapidly circulated throughout the pet’s body. Within seconds, your dog will be completely unconscious, no longer feeling pain or suffering. The pet’s breathing will slow down and then the heart rate will stop over the next few seconds. A cardiac arrest will happen soon, which can result in death. Usually, pets die peacefully within 30 seconds of intravenous administration.

Will my pet dog be in pain during euthanasia?

Black dog with a child
Black dog with a child

The first injection of sedative medication during pet euthanasia renders the dog unconscious. In rare cases, pet dogs experience the side effects of euthanasia. These include taking the last breath or twitching around the moustache. However, these are only mechanical acts of closure of the pet’s body.
During pet euthanasia, the entire body of the pet is relaxed and then they say goodbye to the world. Euthanasia is a release from pain and a very peaceful thing to watch.

What is the cost of pet euthanasia?

The cost of euthanasia of a pet depends on who provides the said service. A low-cost facility may charge $25 to $40. A regular emergency veterinary clinic can be around $125 to $250. A mobile veterinary service coming to your home will run around $150 to $350. Also, plan for additional fees for a pet’s cremation or burial.

Why Veterinarians Use Pet Euthanasia

Pet euthanasia aims to end the life of an animal when it is suffering, and there is little or no hope of recovery from injury or disease. As the owner of a pet dog or cat, deciding whether or not to euthanize can be very difficult for the animal owner. Your nearest veterinarian will help guide you and your family through the decision-making process.

Once you have made the difficult choice of euthanasia for your pet, it is important to know what to expect before, during, and after putting your dog down.

What to Expect Before Pet Euthanasia

First, you have to decide whether you want to be present during the process or not. Watching your pet dog die can be daunting. Remember that your presence will be a comfortable position in your pet’s final moments. You will also need to decide whether you want a family member or friend to be present.

Ask the vet for complete details about the procedure during pet euthanasia. Keep in mind that you will need to fill out a consent form for your vet to sign before proceeding.

Burial option

Even though you may feel emotionally incapable of taking any further decisions in these moments of sadness. But try to decide in advance what to do with your dog’s remains.

If you haven’t already arranged for your pet dog to be buried, your clinic may offer three types of cremation.

  1. Personal: Your dog’s ashes are returned to you
  2. Mass Cremation: You Don’t Get Any Ashes
  3. Burial: You can bury the pet’s body.

An autopsy can be performed with any of these options.

Note: Keep in mind that municipalities in the US have some rules about whether pets can be legally buried there. Although it is not usually a concern in rural areas of the US, it is generally illegal in cities.

What to expect after pet euthanasia

This is a very emotional time, and the veterinary staff will provide a lot of tissue and privacy about it. Be aware that your pet dog’s body may release faeces, urine and possibly other bodily fluids upon death. This is all due to the relaxation of their muscles. Know that your beloved dog’s eyes will be wide open. It is only part of the animal process that comes after death.

Dealing with Bereavement After Losing Your Pet

Now the cycle of your misery will begin. Pet dog grief is different for everyone, and there is no right or wrong way to do it. Remember the good times you had with your beloved pet companion dog, and know that your pet dog will thank you for taking away your suffering.

How to Make Pet Euthanasia Memorable?

Make Pet Euthanasia Memorable
Make Pet Euthanasia Memorable

Pet euthanasia can be a humane alternative to ending deep suffering. Although saying goodbye can be painful for you as a pet parent, you have to decide what is right for your beloved dog.

Consider doing something special to make your unique and beloved four-legged companion a memorable one. Recommended by us, one idea is to ink a print of the paw or clay and frame it next to a picture of your beloved companion dog. You may want to plant a sapling or other tree in memory of your pet. A story or a written tribute and poem can help you say goodbye to your beloved dog in words.

Have you ever said goodbye to your favourite pet dog? How did you decide in this critical moment that the time was right? Share with other pet owners by joining the discussion in the comments below.