
Can dogs eat wasabi? Suppose you wonder about the relationship between wasabi and dogs. In that case, it suffices to know that wasabi should not be fed to dogs under any circumstances.

One of your daily activities that may spark a dog’s interest is meal times and the food you eat. Some dogs beg. Others will try and steal what’s on your plate, and for a large number of dog owners, it is common practice to share meals in the household. Dogs love some foods, and some can sadly harm them.

What Exactly Is Wasabi and What Does It Contain?

Wasabi, also known as the other name Japanese horseradish, is a green root vegetable that comes from the same family as cabbage, mustard, broccoli, and cauliflower. Its root is ground into a powder or mixed with water to form a paste used as a spice. Wasabi originated from Japan, but countries worldwide now add flavor and spice to dishes.

Can dogs eat wasabi?

Dogs cannot eat wasabi because their stomach is not used to digesting spicy food, irritating the gastrointestinal tract. Although wasabi is not toxic to your dogs, it is far from safe food for them.

In the worst-case scenario, your pup may choke because wasabi irritates their throat, and this can make it difficult for them to breathe. Overeating wasabi can cause heartburn, diarrhea, and vomiting, among other things, which will be uncomfortable for both you and your pet.

It’s also important to mention that most wasabi sold in the US is fake and is a mixture of citric acid, horseradish, hot mustard, and green dye. Citric acid and horseradish are not suitable for your dog, as they can cause irritation and depression of the central nervous system.

Symptoms in dogs that eat wasabi:

Common symptoms of dogs eating wasabi:

dropped ear


sniffing excessively

lick their lips

keeping your tail between your legs


paw on their head and mouth

a tense jaw

excessive gas




What should you do if your dog eats wasabi?

If a dog is the curious kind and takes an interest in tasting wasabi.

some ways you can prevent a dog from eating it again:

  1. Always avoid leaving leftover food on the table or worktop, clean it up, or ensure your dog is out of the dining room.
  2. Consider buying a suitable dog-proof bin so they can’t open it and pick up food to eat.
  3. Only leave foods on unsupervised surfaces large enough to make it impossible for your dog.
  4. Always clean surfaces and floors that have come into contact with wasabi.
  5. Do not keep large amounts of wasabi in your home, especially within easy reach of animals.

wasabi for dog

Wasabi can be used to train your dog to stay away from certain things. For example, if your puppy bites the legs of the kitchen table, it may prevent your dog from trying again. Can stop. It would be enough to put some wasabi on it to discourage it.

How to stop your dog from eating wasabi again

If, for whatever reason, you store large amounts of wasabi in your home, make sure your dog does not have access, especially when they are unprotected. Dogs will move a lot to reach a food source, so don’t underestimate them.

Some other suggestions:

  1. If you need to go between meals, make sure your dog follows you to another room or brings the food with you.
  2. Do not leave leftover food on the dining table, but clean them up immediately.
  3. A dog may be going through the trash because it can smell the leftover food. Buy a dog-proof trash bin they can’t open.
  4. When you need to leave your food unsupervised, ensure it is placed on a counter or some other large surface enough for your dog to be unsupervised.
  5. When all else fails, you can always also lock your puppy out of the room so you can finish his meal.

Like many other foods, some things aren’t for dogs, such as chocolate and garlic.

Can Dogs Eat Wasabi Peas?

Wasabi peas are nothing more than roasted peas wrapped in wasabi. They may be a delicious snack for us, but they’re not exactly suitable for dogs. Like many other snacks, oil wasabi peas contain sugar and other unhealthy ingredients.

If your puppy eats wasabi peas, the most immediate effects may be abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, or other digestive problems. However, oil and sugar can easily make your dog fat in the long run.

Is Wasabi Bad for Dogs?

Yes. While wasabi has many health benefits for humans, such as preventing food poisoning and dealing with respiratory disorders, it is not safe for your dogs to eat.

Puppies are not built to digest spicy food. Wasabi is hot and can irritate your dog’s mouth, throat, stomach, and digestive tract.

What to do if your dog ate wasabi

  1. Try not to panic. Accidental ingestion of wasabi will not cause any long-term health problems for your dog as human food usually only contains small amounts.
  2. If your dog eats wasabi in any form (paste or powder), make sure you clean the area to prevent your dog from overeating.
  3. Wasabi is likely to make your canine extremely thirsty so provide plenty of water. 
  4. Monitor your dog’s well-being and call your vet if you are concerned about any effects from eating wasabi. If your canine has a pre-existing medical condition like kidney or gastrointestinal disease, consult your vet immediately.

Is Wasabi Toxic to Dogs?

No, It is not toxic to dogs, so there is no need to take them to the vet unless they eat large amounts.

But is wasabi safe for your dogs to eat? No.

It can have unpleasant side effects such as diarrhea and vomiting may cause some discomfort to your beloved dog.

final thoughts

Wasabi may be listed in these foods, and feeding it to your dog is not recommended, even in small amounts. Your puppy’s diet should be healthy and balanced, and every change should be discussed with your vet.

Emma scott

By Emma scott

The Care4Dog website aims to simplify the search for quality pet care and animal hospital emergency medical services in the United States as well as other countries. The Care4Dog website was founded by dog ​​lover Emma Scott, who has always wanted to provide the highest standard of care for pet dogs.

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