Can dogs eat mangoCan dogs eat mango

Can dogs eat mango? Yes, dogs can enjoy this tropical treat as long as you feed them in moderation by removing the rind and pit. Due to the high sugar content, do not feed this fruit to diabetic dogs.

Mangoes are a healthy snack for your pup, but you should take some precautions like most human foods. Like humans, many dogs love fruits; dogs can have mangoes.

Let’s learn more about how dogs can safely eat mangoes. Mango is a deliciously sweet tropical fruit that is loved by many. Find out that it is safe to feed dog mango treats, suitable serving sizes, and more!

Can dogs eat mango?

Mangoes are entirely safe for dogs to consume, and they are likely to be a hit with your pup due to their natural sugars and sweet taste.

Many dogs love fruit, but not all types of fruit are good for them. Some are even poisonous. If you’re like most dog owners, you’ve probably wondered, “can my dog ​​eat this?” on more than one occasion.

You must have also wondered, “Can dogs eat mango?” Mango tropical fruits, popular in the summer months, can make a delicious treat for the dog. However, not all parts are safe for dogs to eat. Keep reading to learn how to feed mangoes to your dog safely.

How to feed mango to dogs

Here are some give tips on how you can serve this tropical treat so that your dog can enjoy all the benefits of mango:

  • Wash the mangoes well
  • Peel off fruit pulp
  • Remove the large, central pit

Cut the fruit according to the size of your dog (for small puppies, bite-sized pieces are better to prevent choking hazards; larger dogs may cut the mango into larger slices because the flesh is too soft and difficult to swallow ) gets easier)

You can also puree mango and add it to some cheese to ease your dog’s upset stomach, or freeze it in ice cube trays with water and as a refreshing summer treat. Can serve. Can do.

Note: Never feed sour mangoes to your dog. Rotten fruits produce ethanol (alcohol), which is incredibly toxic to dogs. Symptoms of alcohol poisoning in Dogs 5 include vomiting, tremors, and seizures which will require immediate veterinary attention.

Health benefits of feeding mango to dog

Mangoes provide a wealth of good nutrients for dogs. You can feed this fruit to your dog, knowing that they will get some nutrients while knowing that it tastes good. You can be sure that the dog will receive the following nutrients:

  • Antioxidants
  • Dietary fiber
  • Folate (Vitamin B9 or Folic Acid)
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Vitamin A
  • B6 Vitamin (Pyridoxine)
  • Vitamin C

All of these listed nutrients will do wonders for a dog’s immune system. Plus, this juicy fruit is sweet, so your dog will surely love the taste of it.

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Are mangoes good for dogs?

Not only do they taste great when considering a “breakfast” for dogs, but mangoes are also a healthy and nutritious whole food option.

Rich in fiber, vitamins C, B6, A, and E, your dog will get plenty of essential vitamins from one or two slices of fresh mango.

Any whole food with a high fiber content is usually a great swap (due to the satiating effect of fiber) for commercially produced dog treats, and mangoes fit the bill!

Can dogs eat mango? How to Serve

  • Fresh sliced ​​or grated mangoes can be given along with their meals.
  • Dried or dehydrated mangoes can be given as a “jerky” and are great for a snack during a hike or other activity.
  • Frozen mango slices or cubes are a great dessert on a hot day.
  • This 5 Minute Mango Frozen Yogurt can also be made for humans and dogs. Leave the pistachio chunks for the pups, but frozen yogurt is an excellent canine treat on its own!
  • As always, healthy fruits such as mangoes and unsweetened apples should also be given in moderation and should not exceed 10% of your dog’s caloric intake. For a large dog, that’s about 1/4 cup.
  • Any treatment should be considered in conjunction with a nutritious and balanced diet.
  • Due to their high natural sugar levels, mango may not be the best choice for dogs with diabetes. Instead, eat less starchy vegetables such as fennel, asparagus, and cauliflower.

Easy Mango Ice Cream Dog Treat Recipe

Try making this delicious treat using mango or other dog-friendly fruits such as watermelon or melon.


1/2 cup chopped mango

1/8 cup native belly bone broth

1 cup plain kefir

Optional: Add other healthy vegetables or fruits like cooked sweet potatoes blueberries to make the mixture creamy.



freezer-safe container


  • Blend in mango, bone broth, kefir, and any dog-safe fruit or vegetable you want to add.
  • Once thoroughly mixed, pour the mixture into a freezer-safe glass container and allow it to freeze completely.
  • Once frozen, use 1 spoon or ice cream scooper to serve the scoop to your dog.
  • Always start with a small amount to avoid a digestive upset in dogs.

Give your dog a sweet snack.

As long as you offer this dessert in moderation, your dog can take advantage. Mango is rich in vitamins A, C, and B6 and contains healthy fiber and essential minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

Also, Read – Can dogs eat ice cream? 

How many mangoes can dogs eat?

A quarter cup of fresh mango bite once a week (or twice a week for large dogs) is suitable for preventing diabetes and obesity. 

According to the USDA 4, one cup of mango contains 99 calories and 22.5 grams of sugar. While fruit-based sugar is refined in moderation, high amounts can have adverse health effects.

When dogs eat mangoes in large quantities, they can have an upset stomach due to the high fiber content in the fruit. Dietary fiber is suitable for dogs in moderation, but excessive amounts can cause diarrhea. As a general rule, treats should be only 10% of your dog’s daily caloric intake.

Are there any dangers in feeding my dog ​​mango?

There are two potential dangers for giving mangoes to dogs: the mango peel and the mango pit.

Mango skin, while not toxic, can be complicated for a dog to digest and should be avoided. The best way to peel the skin off is using a vegetable peeler or removing the flesh from the skin when feeding it to your dog.

If the whole fruit is given to the dog, there can be a danger of suffocation in the mango pit. If swallowed, the hole can potentially cause an intestinal blockage. It also contains cyanide (like cherries), so it’s best to avoid it altogether.

If the dog accidentally swallows a mango pit, keep a close eye. Chances are it will pass without any problems, but if you notice any adverse symptoms, especially one indicating an intestinal blockage, contact your vet immediately.

What to do when there is a blockage.

If you suspect that your dog has eaten a mango pit, check for clinical signs of blockage such as:

  • Constipation
  • Decreased appetite
  • Diarrheal
  • Lethargy
  • Shortness of breath
  • Stomach ache
  • To vomit
  • Stomach enlargement

If you leave them untreated, some of these symptoms can be fatal., so it is best to act immediately and seek emergency nearby veterinary treatment. If you are not sure whether the dog has eaten a mango pit, consult your veterinarian as soon as possible. They perform diagnostic tests such as x-rays of the dog and a physical exam.

If your dog eats mango skin, you don’t need to panic right away. Just keep an eye on them and contact your vet if you notice any signs of blockage, such as vomiting or diarrhea.

Emma scott

By Emma scott

The Care4Dog website aims to simplify the search for quality pet care and animal hospital emergency medical services in the United States as well as other countries. The Care4Dog website was founded by dog ​​lover Emma Scott, who has always wanted to provide the highest standard of care for pet dogs.

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